When Fish Meet Cars

If you think you can predict the behavior of children, think again. Every weekend, when my wife leaves for work around 1:00PM, we go through the same routine. We find a DVD to put on that will distract my son, James, enough so that Irene can leave the house without him going into fits of … Read more

Ai Raifu!

Apple Japan => Get A MacToo funny!Those (some say brilliant, other say annoying) “Get A Mac” ads that Apple has been running lately aren’t just a local thing. Apple Japan has their own versions, too.

New Bond…. Good?

BBC News => “Brilliant” Bond seduces criticsAccording to this article, the early reviews on Daniel Craig’s 007 are in and he’s brilliant.But before you start declaring the new “era” of bond, note this quote from one critic:…easily the best film since GoldenEyeThat’s like saying, “Best automobile since the Ford Pinto.”Goldeneye was the worst of all the Bond films. Bad directing, bad acting, bad story, bad music.

Fan Death

WWW.FANDEATH.NETOh please! I thought the Taiwanese were weird about the whole ceiling fans being harmful versus floor fans, but the Koreans believe all fans are dangerous?!I will not believe nonsense I read on the net…