Shame on Bookman’s

I’m so disappointed! I was in Bookman’s used books yesterday and they had Michael Behe’s work classified in the science section. I can expect this sort of stuff from the big chain bookstores, but I thought Bookman’s was different.

Aspen Simulator not really the same as Safari on iPhone?

I’ve been generally happy with my iPhone. It’s hard to describe the experience without resorting to hyperbole, but it really is a game-changing appliance. But there are some limitations, many of which are being addressed in the newly-announced iPhone 2.0 firmware, specifically proper MS Exchange support. In the meantime, though, you should be able to … Read more

Flippin’ iPhone SDK!

OK, today’s iPhone announcementsPhone announcements were 300% better than I’d ever dreamed to hope for… But…. Apple’s developer download site for the SDK was crushed within minutes of the SDK being available. I was right on it, I was just about to download and BAM! (As Steve Jobs probably wouldn’t say in this case) the … Read more

Dawkins in Tempe

Eminent scientist Richard Dawkins was in Tempe tonight, and it was quite a surprise for me. I knew that Dawkins had been making book tours through the US, and I knew that he had even made concerted forays into the southern bible belt, but I thought even Dawkins would have to turn tail and run … Read more

It’s all quantum physics, I tells ya!

One of those fascinating little tidbits that always amuses me concerning quantum physics is that whole time/speed. Oh, you know what I’m talking about, it’s what happened to Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes. Their spaceship travels at speeds upwards towards the speed of light, and they age less than the space around them. … Read more

Toto Washlet – A Spa for Your Backside – Unboxing

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before or not… nah, who am I kidding? I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. I’m a great fan of the so-called “Japanese toilet seat.” It’s actually most commonly referred to as a woshuretto woshuretto in Japan (or “washlet” in English), after the name of the original introduced by … Read more

Bigger than the helicopter

Gigantic new pliosaur find in the Artic. Can you imagine a creature 50 ft long? The 150 million-year-old specimen was found on Spitspergen, in the Arctic island chain of Svalbard in 2006. The Jurassic-era leviathan is one of 40 sea reptiles from a fossil “treasure trove” uncovered on the island. Nicknamed “The Monster”, the immense … Read more