Last of the photos(?)

On my first trip to Taiwan, using a film camera, I took nearly 40 photographs, most of them awful. On this trip, using two digital cameras (and the trip being almost 3 times as long), I saved almost 2,000 photos, after having deleted at least another 1,000 for a variety of reasons. Somehow most of … Read more

Toons on a Bus

One of the interesting aspects of riding on the buses in Taipei are the TV monitors they have to entertain you – or distract you from the driving. Several buses run a series of short animated films, some of them quite funny, others quite bizarre. Some give their URL at the end, but I couldn’t … Read more

Have Faith – Not!

For a variety of reasons I rarely post on this sort of thing, but once in a blue moon I see something written that is so succinct that it warrants repeating. It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I am a dyed-in-the-wool atheist. (I put “should” in emphasis because every … Read more

RRS Feeds

By the way, I’m posting several entries that I started and never finished (for various reasons) while still in Taiwan. I’m back-dating them so that they fit chronologically a little more logically. In which case, if you’re reading this page on the website and looking at the top posts, you’re missing them. I strongly suggest … Read more

On the ground and in the night…

I hate jet lag. We took off at around 11:00PM in Taiwan, and after dinner, managed to sleep at pretty much the normal time. By what was 10:00AM for our bodies and time for the day to really get going, we landed at 7:00PM in Los Angeles. There were no sanctioned connecting flights that night … Read more

Off we go…

We’re five or so hours into our flight, five or so hours to go. We took off at about 11:00PM local time and it was easy to get to sleep on the flight after dinner. For some reason, no matter how tired I am, no matter how closely the flight’s “sleep time” matches my body … Read more

Beef noodle

Beef Noodle Soup… it seems like such a simple dish and yet somehow it takes on almost mystic proportions. It bears a superficial resemblance to Japanese ramen soup but really seems to be wholly Chinese. It’s not quite pot roast soup with noodles, but then again, it is. On our last trip we just missed … Read more

Taipei Water Park

It’s been terribly hot in the mornings the last few days. “Sweltering” would be a more accurate word. (One of the Taiwan blogs I regularly read, The View from Taiwan, summed it up beautifully: That rain last week induced seasonal affective disorder. Glad its gone and we are now in the sit-in-the-house-and-sweat season. Ah, but … Read more